Introducing the IFB Glossary of Terms

The Integrating Finance and Biodiversity Glossary of Terms provides definitions of terms and phrases that are in common use in finance and biodiversity. It is designed to help each group better-understand the other.

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assessors of biodiversity change

Assessors of biodiversity change are individuals or groups responsible for evaluating and measuring the changes in biological diversity within a given ecosystem or geographical area. They employ scientific methodologies and data analysis to assess the impact of factors such as human activities, climate change, and habitat loss on the abundance and distribution of species, as well as the overall health and resilience of ecosystems. These assessments are crucial for understanding the state of biodiversity and formulating effective conservation and management strategies.



biodiversity assessment services

Biodiversity assessment services are services provided by companies or organisations to evaluate and analyse biodiversity within a specific ecosystem or region. These services involve comprehensive surveys and data collection on species richness, population abundance, and ecosystem health. Biodiversity assessment services help identify endangered species, habitat degradation, and potential threats. This enables stakeholders to make informed conservation and management decisions. The assessments play a vital role in promoting biodiversity conservation, sustainable land use, and ecosystem protection efforts.

biodiversity assets

Biodiversity assets are the diverse and valuable components of biological life found within a specific ecosystem or geographical area. These assets include life forms, genetic diversity, and the richness of ecosystems and habitats. Biodiversity assets contribute to ecological stability, resilience, and ecosystem services such as pollination, water purification, and climate regulation. Preserving and managing biodiversity assets is essential for sustaining life, supporting human well-being, and ensuring a healthy and functioning planet.

biodiversity credit standard

A biodiversity credit standard is a set of guidelines, criteria, and metrics used to assess and quantify the positive impacts on biodiversity resulting from conservation or restoration efforts. Similar to carbon credit standards for climate change, biodiversity credit standards enable businesses, projects, or individuals to generate tradable credits based on their contributions to preserving or enhancing biodiversity. These credits represent measurable and verifiable outcomes in terms of biodiversity conservation and uplift, and can be used to offset biodiversity loss in other areas or support conservation initiatives.

biodiversity credits

Biodiversity credits are units of measurement representing the positive impact of conservation or restoration activities on biodiversity. These credits are generated based on verifiable outcomes that enhance or protect biodiversity such as conserving endangered species or restoring ecosystems. Similar to carbon credits, biodiversity credits can be bought, sold, or traded to compensate for biodiversity loss elsewhere or to demonstrate a commitment to biodiversity conservation. They play a crucial role in incentivising and funding conservation efforts while promoting sustainable practices.

biodiversity finance tools

Biodiversity finance tools are a range of financial instruments and mechanisms designed to support and fund biodiversity conservation and sustainable management. These tools include funding sources such as grants, loans, and investments, as well as innovative mechanisms such as biodiversity credits, payment for ecosystem services, and bonds. Biodiversity finance tools play a crucial role in mobilising resources, encouraging private sector engagement, and promoting the economic value of biodiversity conservation for a more sustainable and ecologically balanced future.

biodiversity impacts

Biodiversity impacts are the effects and consequences of human activities, natural events, or environmental changes on the diversity of life within an ecosystem or region. These impacts can include habitat destruction, species extinction, changes in population dynamics, loss of genetic diversity, and disruptions to ecosystem functioning. Biodiversity impacts can have far-reaching consequences on ecological balance, ecosystem services, and human well-being. They highlight the importance of understanding and mitigating negative impacts to preserve biodiversity for future generations.

biodiversity loss

Biodiversity loss is the decline or reduction in the variety and abundance of life forms within a specific ecosystem or on a global scale. It is primarily driven by human activities such as habitat destruction, overexploitation, pollution, and climate change. Biodiversity loss disrupts ecological balance, weakens ecosystem resilience, and reduces the potential benefits that diverse ecosystems offer to humanity. Halting biodiversity loss is a critical challenge to safeguard the planet's natural heritage and ensure a sustainable future.

biodiversity markets

Biodiversity markets are economic systems that enable the buying and selling of biodiversity-related products, services, or credits. These markets aim to incentivise conservation and sustainable practices by assigning economic value to biodiversity and ecosystem services. Participants can trade biodiversity credits, which represent quantifiable contributions to biodiversity conservation or restoration efforts. Biodiversity markets foster collaboration between private and public sectors, providing financial incentives for protecting and enhancing biodiversity while promoting the overall well-being of ecosystems and human communities.

biodiversity metrics

Biodiversity metrics are quantitative measurements and indicators used to assess and track the status and changes in biological diversity within a specific ecosystem or region. These metrics encompass aspects of biodiversity such as species richness, population abundance, genetic diversity, and ecosystem health. Biodiversity metrics play a crucial role in scientific research, conservation planning, and policymaking, enabling stakeholders to monitor progress, identify trends, and evaluate the effectiveness of conservation and management efforts in preserving and restoring biodiversity.

biodiversity net gain

Biodiversity net gain is a conservation approach that ensures development or human activities result in a quantifiable and verifiable increase in biodiversity compared to the pre-existing condition. It involves assessing the potential impacts of a project on biodiversity, and then implementing measures to offset these impacts through habitat restoration, conservation, or enhancement efforts. Biodiversity net gain is aimed at promoting sustainable development and halting biodiversity loss, fostering a positive contribution to nature and ecosystems.

Biodiversity Stewardship Credits

Biodiversity Stewardship Credits (BSCs) are tradable units representing quantifiable contributions to the conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity. These credits are generated by landowners or managers who voluntarily implement measures that enhance or protect biodiversity on their properties. BSCs can be purchased by developers or other entities to compensate for biodiversity impacts resulting from their activities. This market-based approach encourages private landowners to play a vital role in preserving biodiversity while promoting sustainable land use practices.

biodiversity uplift projects

Biodiversity uplift projects are initiatives and activities designed to enhance or restore the diversity and health of ecosystems and species within a specific area or region. These projects aim to reverse or mitigate the negative impacts of human activities on biodiversity such as habitat destruction or pollution. By implementing conservation measures, habitat restoration efforts, and species reintroduction programs, biodiversity uplift projects contribute to fostering resilient ecosystems, protecting endangered species, and promoting sustainable development practices that benefit both nature and human communities.


carbon assessment services

Carbon assessment services are to the services provided by companies or organisations to measure and evaluate the carbon footprint of individuals, businesses, or projects. These services involve detailed assessments of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, generated from activities and processes. Through data collection, analysis, and reporting, carbon assessment services assist clients in understanding their environmental impact and in identifying opportunities for reducing emissions, promoting sustainability, and contributing to climate change mitigation efforts.

carbon credit markets

Carbon credit markets are economic systems that facilitate the buying and selling of carbon credits. These markets operate to incentivise and promote activities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions or enhance carbon sequestration. Participants such as companies, governments, and individuals, can trade carbon credits as a means to meet regulatory requirements, voluntarily offset their emissions, or invest in climate-friendly projects. Carbon credit markets play a role in addressing climate change by encouraging reductions in emissions, and financing sustainable initiatives with positive environmental impacts.

carbon credits

Carbon Credits are tradable units representing the reduction or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide (or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases) from the atmosphere. These credits are generated through projects that promote carbon sequestration or reduce emissions such as reforestation, renewable energy installations, or energy efficiency initiatives. Organisations or individuals can purchase carbon credits to offset their own emissions or to meet climate targets, while supporting and incentivising environmentally friendly practices that contribute to combating climate change.

carbon offsets

See Carbon Credits.


Commodities are raw materials or primary agricultural products that are traded in bulk and are essentially interchangeable with other goods of the same type. Examples of commodities include crude oil, gold, wheat, soybeans, and natural gas. They are usually used as inputs in the production of goods or for consumption. The prices of commodities are subject to supply and demand dynamics, and they often serve as essential indicators of economic activity and global market trends.

commodity-driven biodiversity loss

Commodity-driven biodiversity loss is the negative impact on biodiversity resulting from the production and extraction of commodities. It occurs when the demand for commodities such as palm oil, rubber, soy, timber, and beef drives activities like deforestation, habitat destruction, and overexploitation of natural resources. These practices often lead to the loss of valuable ecosystems, endangerment or extinction of species, and disruption of ecological balance. Addressing commodity-driven biodiversity loss requires sustainable production practices and responsible sourcing to mitigate environmental impacts.

commodity-driven deforestation

Commodity-driven deforestation is the process where the production and trade of commodities like palm oil, soy, cattle, and timber are major drivers of deforestation. The growing global demand for these commodities leads to the clearing of forests, primarily in tropical regions, to create space for agricultural and industrial activities. This phenomenon has significant environmental consequences, including habitat loss, biodiversity depletion, carbon emissions, and disruptions to local ecosystems and indigenous communities. Efforts to combat commodity-driven deforestation involve promoting sustainable production and responsible consumption practices.


deforestation-free commodities

Deforestation-free commodities are products or raw materials sourced from supply chains that do not contribute to deforestation or habitat destruction. These commodities are produced through environmentally responsible practices that avoid clearing forests for agricultural, logging, or mining activities. Companies and industries committed to deforestation-free commodities adhere to strict sustainability standards and support conservation efforts, contributing to the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of vital ecosystems for a more sustainable future.

deforestation-free finance

Deforestation-free finance are financial practices and investment strategies that aim to exclude or minimise support for activities linked to deforestation. It involves directing investments away from companies or projects involved in forest clearance for activities such as agriculture, logging, or mining. Instead, deforestation-free finance channels funds into environmentally responsible and sustainable ventures that prioritise conservation, reforestation, and the protection of natural habitats. This approach plays a crucial role in combating deforestation and promoting more environmentally friendly economic activities.

deforestation-risk commodities

Deforestation-risk commodities are products or raw materials associated with supply chains that have a higher likelihood of contributing to deforestation or forest degradation. These commodities such as palm oil, soy, cattle, and timber, are often linked to activities that involve clearing forests for agricultural or industrial purposes. Identifying and addressing deforestation-risk commodities is crucial to promote sustainable sourcing and production practices that mitigate the environmental impacts on forests and biodiversity.


economics of biodiversity

The economics of biodiversity is the study and analysis of the economic value of biodiversity and ecosystem services. It involves understanding the tangible and intangible benefits that ecosystems provide such as clean water, pollination, climate regulation, and recreational opportunities. This field explores how biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation can have significant economic consequences, affecting industries, livelihoods, and overall human well-being. The economics of biodiversity also seeks to find sustainable solutions that integrate conservation into economic decision-making and policy formulation.

ecosystem market development

Ecosystem market development is the establishment and growth of economic systems that incentivise and trade ecosystem services. It involves creating markets for services provided by nature such as carbon sequestration, water purification, and habitat restoration. These markets enable buyers and sellers to exchange ecosystem service credits, providing financial incentives for conservation and sustainable land management practices. Ecosystem market development seeks to harmonise economic and ecological interests, promoting environmental stewardship and fostering the preservation of vital ecosystem functions.

ecosystem service credits

Ecosystem service credits are a market-based approach that quantifies and values the benefits that humans gain from ecosystem services such as clean water, air, pollination, and carbon sequestration. These credits are bought and sold to incentivise landowners and businesses to conserve or restore ecosystems. This promotes sustainable land management and biodiversity while allowing those who provide these essential services to be compensated for their contributions to environmental well-being.

ecosystem service delivery

Ecosystem service delivery is the process by which natural ecosystems provide benefits to humans and the environment. It involves the functioning and interactions of ecological components that generate services such as water purification, carbon sequestration, and flood regulation. The delivery of ecosystem services depends on the health and resilience of ecosystems and is influenced by factors such as land use, climate, and human activities. Understanding ecosystem service delivery is essential for effective conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.

ecosystem services

Ecosystem services are the benefits and contributions that natural ecosystems provide to human well-being and the environment. These services include the provision of clean air and water, pollination of crops, climate regulation, soil fertility, and recreational opportunities. Ecosystem services are essential for sustaining life and supporting economic activities, highlighting the critical interdependence between human societies and healthy ecosystems. Understanding and valuing ecosystem services is crucial for making informed decisions that promote sustainable development and conservation efforts.

environmental and economic resilience

Environmental and economic resilience is the capacity of a system, whether natural or human-made, to withstand and recover from shocks or disruptions while maintaining its essential functions and integrity. It involves the ability of ecosystems and economies to adapt to changing environmental conditions such as climate change or natural disasters, without suffering irreversible damage. Building environmental and economic resilience involves incorporating sustainable practices, diversifying resources, and promoting adaptive management strategies to enhance long-term stability and reduce vulnerability to future challenges.

Environmental Impact Bonds

Environmental Impact Bonds (EIBs) are financial instruments that leverage private investment to finance environmental projects with measurable outcomes. They are structured as pay-for-success contracts, where investors provide upfront funding for initiatives aimed at addressing environmental challenges. If the project achieves predefined environmental targets, the government or other organisation reimburses the investors with returns. EIBs incentivise private sector involvement in environmental conservation and provide a results-based approach to fund initiatives that yield positive environmental impacts.

environmental mitigation

Environmental mitigation is actions or measures taken to reduce, offset, or compensate for the adverse environmental impacts of development projects, industrial activities, or other human interventions. It involves identifying and implementing strategies that mitigate harm to ecosystems, species, and natural resources. Environmental mitigation may include habitat restoration, pollution control, reforestation, and biodiversity conservation efforts, aimed at promoting sustainable development while minimising negative ecological effects and preserving environmental quality for present and future generations.

ESG Biodiversity Ratings

ESG Biodiversity Ratings are assessments that gauge a company's environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance concerning its impact on biodiversity and conservation. These ratings evaluate how a company affects ecosystems, wildlife, and natural habitats through its operations and initiatives. They consider factors like biodiversity preservation efforts, transparency in reporting, regulatory compliance, stakeholder engagement, and contributions to biodiversity research. These ratings aid investors and stakeholders in assessing a company's commitment to biodiversity and its overall sustainability practices.

European Central Bank Prudential Framework

The European Central Bank (ECB) Prudential Framework is a set of rules, regulations, and guidelines established by the ECB to ensure the stability and soundness of financial institutions within the Eurozone. It encompasses prudential requirements such as capital adequacy standards, risk management practices, and stress testing, designed to safeguard the financial system from potential risks and vulnerabilities. The ECB Prudential Framework plays a critical role in maintaining financial stability and promoting confidence in the Eurozone banking sector.




Financial Rewards for Improved Biodiversity Outcomes (FRIBO) is one of the 12 projects within the Integrating Finance and Biodiversity Programme.



Green Bonds

Green Bonds are fixed-income financial instruments issued by governments, corporations, or institutions to raise funds specifically for environmentally sustainable projects. The proceeds from green bonds are exclusively allocated to finance initiatives with positive environmental impacts such as renewable energy projects, energy efficiency improvements, sustainable infrastructure, and climate change adaptation initiatives. Investors in green bonds support environmentally friendly ventures while earning returns on their investments, contributing to the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon economy.

green economy

A green economy is an economic system that aims to promote sustainable development and address environmental challenges by minimising resource consumption, reducing pollution, and supporting biodiversity conservation. It focuses on adopting eco-friendly practices across industries such as renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, green technology, and waste management. The green economy strives to balance economic growth with social well-being and ecological resilience, fostering a more environmentally conscious and resilient society for present and future generations.

green infrastructure

Green infrastructure encompasses the strategically planned and managed network of natural and semi-natural elements like parks, wetlands, trees, and green roofs within urban and rural areas. It is designed to provide multiple benefits such as stormwater management, improved air quality, biodiversity conservation, and recreational spaces. By integrating nature into urban planning, green infrastructure enhances resilience against climate change, fosters sustainable development, and contributes to the overall well-being of communities and ecosystems.

green sector

The green sector encompasses industries, technologies, and practices that prioritise environmental sustainability and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions, resource depletion, and ecological harm. It includes renewable energy sources, eco-friendly manufacturing, sustainable agriculture, waste management, and conservation efforts. The sector aims to transition societies toward more environmentally responsible and low-carbon alternatives, fostering a greener economy and a healthier planet.


Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing practice employed by companies or organisations to give a false impression of their environmental responsibility or sustainability efforts. It involves exaggerating or misrepresenting eco-friendly initiatives, certifications, or claims to attract environmentally conscious consumers and enhance their public image. Greenwashing can mislead consumers into believing that a product or service is more environmentally friendly than it actually is, undermining genuine efforts to promote sustainability and potentially harming the environment.


high integrity investment markets

High integrity investment markets are financial platforms that adhere to strict ethical, social, and environmental standards. These markets prioritise investments in projects and ventures that demonstrate transparency, accountability, and sustainability. High-integrity investment markets ensure that funds are directed toward responsible and socially conscious initiatives such as renewable energy, environmental conservation, and social impact projects. They provide opportunities for investors to support ethical practices and positive social change while generating financial returns, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable global economy.

high integrity nature positive investment markets

High integrity nature positive investment markets are financial platforms that prioritise environmentally responsible investments aimed at achieving positive outcomes for nature. These markets focus on projects and initiatives that contribute to the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, protect biodiversity, and enhance ecosystem services. Nature positive investment markets ensure rigorous environmental standards, transparency, and verifiability to ensure that funds are channeled into ventures with tangible and measurable environmental benefits, promoting sustainable development and a healthier planet.


indicators of biodiversity change

Indicators of biodiversity change are measurable variables or metrics used to track and assess shifts in the diversity and abundance of species within ecosystems or regions over time. These indicators may include changes in species richness, population sizes, genetic diversity, or the presence of key indicator species. Monitoring biodiversity indicators provides valuable insights into the health and resilience of ecosystems, identifying trends and potential threats to biodiversity, and guiding conservation and management efforts to protect and restore natural habitats and species.

integrating finance and biodiversity

Integrating finance and biodiversity involves incorporating environmental considerations and biodiversity conservation principles into financial decision-making and investment practices. It entails promoting investments and financial instruments that support sustainable projects and businesses focused on biodiversity conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of natural resources. By aligning financial goals with biodiversity objectives, integrating finance and biodiversity helps channel resources towards environmentally responsible initiatives, contributing to the protection and enhancement of biodiversity for a more resilient and sustainable future.





measuring biodiversity

Measuring biodiversity involves the systematic assessment and quantification of the variety and abundance of species, genetic diversity, and ecosystem characteristics within a specific area or region. This process uses scientific methods such as species surveys, genetic analysis, and ecological monitoring, to collect data and develop biodiversity indicators. Measuring biodiversity is crucial for understanding the health and status of ecosystems, identifying conservation priorities, and evaluating the effectiveness of biodiversity conservation and management efforts.


natural capital

Natural capital is the stock of natural resources and ecosystem services provided by the Earth's ecosystems. It includes resources such as clean air, water, fertile soils, biodiversity, forests, and oceans, which support life and human well-being. Natural capital is the foundation of human economies and provides vital ecosystem services such as pollination, climate regulation, and water purification. Understanding and valuing natural capital is essential for making informed decisions that promote sustainable development and ensure the long-term health of the planet.

nature based interventions

Nature based interventions are strategies and actions that utilise and harness the power of natural ecosystems to address environmental challenges and enhance human well-being. These interventions often involve conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of natural habitats and resources. Nature based interventions can include green infrastructure, ecosystem restoration projects, urban greening, and conservation initiatives. By working with nature, these interventions provide cost-effective and sustainable solutions to problems like climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and air pollution.

nature based investments

See nature positive investments.

nature based solutions

Nature based solutions are sustainable strategies and practices that work with, mimic, or enhance natural processes to address environmental and societal challenges. These solutions prioritise the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of ecosystems and biodiversity. Examples include using wetlands for flood control, afforestation to mitigate climate change, and green infrastructure to improve urban resilience. Nature based solutions offer multiple benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing biodiversity, improving water quality, and providing livelihood opportunities, contributing to a more resilient and sustainable world.

nature positive actions

See nature positive impacts.

nature positive future

A nature positive future envisions a world where human activities not only cease to harm nature but actively contribute to its restoration and enhancement. It represents a future in which societies and economies thrive in harmony with nature, respecting planetary boundaries and promoting biodiversity conservation. A nature positive future involves adopting sustainable practices, responsible consumption, and innovative solutions that prioritise nature's well-being. This transformation is crucial to secure a resilient and prosperous future for both humanity and the natural world.

nature positive impacts

Nature positive impacts are actions and initiatives that actively promote the restoration and conservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity. These impacts are characterised by measures that go beyond merely reducing harm to nature and actively contribute to its regeneration and enhancement. Nature positive impacts can include reforestation efforts, habitat restoration projects, sustainable land management practices, and initiatives that protect endangered species. Achieving nature positive impacts is essential to foster ecological resilience and promote a sustainable coexistence between humans and the natural environment.

nature positive investments

Nature positive investments are financial allocations that prioritise projects and activities that actively contribute to the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems and biodiversity. These investments focus on initiatives that promote ecological resilience, protect critical habitats, and enhance ecosystem services. Nature positive investments can include funding for reforestation projects, sustainable agriculture practices, renewable energy initiatives, and habitat restoration efforts. By directing resources towards nature positive solutions, these investments support environmental protection, combat climate change, and foster a more sustainable and prosperous future for both nature and humanity.

nature positive operations

Nature positive operations are business practices and activities that actively contribute to the enhancement and conservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity. These operations go beyond traditional sustainability efforts and aim to have a net positive impact on the environment. Nature positive operations involve adopting sustainable and regenerative practices, minimising environmental footprints, promoting biodiversity conservation, and restoring degraded ecosystems. By embracing nature positive operations, businesses can play a vital role in addressing environmental challenges and fostering a more sustainable and resilient future.

nature recovery

Nature recovery is the process of restoring and revitalising natural ecosystems and biodiversity that have been degraded or lost due to human activities. It involves implementing conservation measures, habitat restoration efforts, and species reintroduction programs to promote ecological resilience and enhance ecosystem functionality. Nature recovery aims to reverse the decline of biodiversity, protect critical habitats, and create a more sustainable environment that supports both nature and human well-being, ensuring a healthier and more resilient planet for future generations.

nature related financial risks

Nature related financial risks are the potential adverse impacts on financial institutions, businesses, and investors resulting from environmental degradation and climate change effects on natural ecosystems. These risks can arise from physical events such as extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and habitat loss, as well as transition risks due to changing regulations, shifting consumer preferences, and stranded assets. Understanding and managing nature related financial risks is essential for ensuring financial resilience and sustainable investment practices in a changing environment.

nature-climate scenarios

Nature-climate scenarios are projections and models that explore future interactions between climate change and natural ecosystems. They integrate climate scenarios with ecological responses to forecast potential changes in biodiversity, ecosystem services, and habitat distribution under different climate conditions. These scenarios help policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders to understand the potential impacts of climate change on nature and develop strategies for adaptation and mitigation. Nature-climate scenarios play a critical role in guiding conservation efforts and shaping policies to safeguard biodiversity in a changing climate.

net carbon loss

Net carbon loss is the overall reduction in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere due to factors that lead to increased emissions or decreased carbon sequestration. It occurs when the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, exceeds the capacity of natural processes such as photosynthesis and carbon storage in forests and oceans, to absorb and store carbon. Net carbon loss contributes to global warming and climate change.

net zero

Net zero refers to achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere and the amount removed or offset, resulting in no additional net emissions. This is typically achieved by reducing emissions through means such as transitioning to renewable energy, and adopting energy-efficient practices, and offsetting remaining emissions through carbon capture or other methods. The goal of net zero is to halt the accumulation of greenhouse gases and mitigate the impacts of climate change.



planetary boundaries

Planetary boundaries define the safe operating limits within which humanity can thrive on Earth, without risking irreversible environmental changes. These boundaries encompass critical processes and systems like climate change, biodiversity loss, and nutrient cycles. Crossing these limits could lead to abrupt and potentially disastrous shifts in the global environment. Acknowledging and respecting planetary boundaries is essential for maintaining a stable and habitable planet for current and future generations while preserving the delicate balance of Earth's ecosystems.


quantify biodiversity

See measuring biodiversity.


risk pricing

Biodiversity risk pricing is the incorporation of the potential impacts of biodiversity loss or degradation into the pricing of financial instruments or investments. It involves assessing the risks associated with biodiversity decline such as ecosystem disruptions, species extinction, and reduced ecosystem services, and factoring these risks into the cost of financial products. Biodiversity risk pricing helps promote sustainability by encouraging investments and financial decisions that consider the value and importance of biodiversity conservation and protection.


science based investment markets

Science based investment markets are financial systems that prioritise investments in projects and ventures grounded in scientific evidence and research. These markets focus on initiatives that align with scientific principles, including those related to environmental sustainability, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation. By relying on rigorous scientific analysis and data, science based investment markets help ensure that funds are directed towards environmentally responsible and socially beneficial projects, fostering a more sustainable and resilient global economy.

scientifically rigorous biodiversity dataset

A scientifically rigorous biodiversity dataset is a collection of biological information that adheres to rigorous scientific standards and methodologies. It involves systematic and comprehensive data gathering on species diversity, population dynamics, genetic variability, and ecosystem characteristics. The dataset is collected using standardised protocols, verified by experts, and subject to rigorous quality control measures. Scientifically rigorous biodiversity datasets are crucial for accurate and reliable biodiversity assessments, research, and conservation efforts, providing valuable insights into the health and trends of ecosystems and species.

seascape restoration

Seascape restoration is the process of restoring and enhancing marine ecosystems and habitats across a larger spatial scale such as coastlines, bays, or marine regions. It involves implementing conservation measures and sustainable management practices to address environmental challenges such as habitat degradation, pollution, and overexploitation of marine resources. Seascape restoration aims to improve the health and resilience of marine ecosystems, protect biodiversity, and promote sustainable use of coastal and marine resources for the benefit of both nature and human communities.

Sustainability Linked Bonds

Sustainability Linked Bonds (SLBs) are financial instruments where the interest rates or repayment terms are directly linked to the issuer's sustainability performance. These bonds are designed to incentivise and reward companies for achieving predetermined sustainability targets or key performance indicators. If the issuer meets the sustainability goals, the bondholders receive financial benefits; otherwise, the issuer incurs a penalty. SLBs provide a mechanism for companies to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and align their financial goals with environmental and social objectives.

sustainable investments

Sustainable investments are financial allocations that prioritise projects, businesses, and assets that consider environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. These investments seek to generate positive impacts on society and the environment while providing financial returns. Sustainable investments can include renewable energy projects, companies with strong social responsibility practices, and assets aligned with ESG principles. By directing resources towards sustainable investments, investors support positive social change and environmentally responsible practices, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable global economy.


Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is a global initiative aimed at promoting the disclosure of financial risks and opportunities related to nature and biodiversity. Inspired by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, TNFD encourages businesses and financial institutions to assess and disclose their dependencies on nature, impacts on ecosystems, and strategies to mitigate biodiversity-related risks. By enhancing transparency and accountability, TNFD seeks to drive investments and financial decision-making that support biodiversity conservation and sustainable practices.

tradable biodiversity credits

See biodiversity credits.


urban greening

Urban greening entails deliberate efforts to introduce and enhance natural elements like vegetation, trees, and green spaces within urban environments. This practice aims to counteract the negative impacts of urbanisation such as heat islands and air pollution, while improving the quality of life for residents. Urban greening promotes biodiversity, reduces energy consumption, and creates aesthetic and recreational spaces, contributing to more sustainable and liveable cities that prioritise environmental health and human well-being.


voluntary biodiversity markets

Voluntary biodiversity markets are market based systems that allow individuals, companies, or organisations to voluntarily invest in projects or initiatives that promote biodiversity conservation and restoration. Participants in these markets can purchase biodiversity credits or offsets to compensate for their own impacts on biodiversity or to support conservation efforts. These markets provide financial incentives for biodiversity-friendly practices and encourage stakeholders to take proactive measures to protect and restore natural ecosystems and species, fostering a more sustainable relationship between human activities and the environment.





zero biodiversity loss commitments

Zero biodiversity loss commitments are pledges made by governments, organisations, or companies to halt and reverse the decline of biodiversity within a specific timeframe. These commitments aim to prevent further species extinctions, protect critical habitats, and promote sustainable land use and management practices. Achieving zero biodiversity loss requires the implementation of conservation measures, habitat restoration efforts, and sustainable development practices that prioritise biodiversity and ecosystem health. These commitments are essential in safeguarding the planet's natural heritage and maintaining a balanced and thriving ecosystem.