The IFB Flagship II: Greening Finance for Nature kicked-off this week at the UNEP-WCMC offices in Cambridge, with research teams from the Universities of Oxford, Reading, York and Exeter.
Participants at the first Flagship II workshop
The teams mapped work plans for the coming months including a focus on:
- Advancing data, scenarios and tools for risk and impact assessment, building upon collaborations with the NGFS and UK partners in Phase I, extending these to additional countries, consolidating guidance and frameworks, and enhancing the granularity of risk and impacts using asset-level data, AI and earth observation,
- Making available open tools and benchmark data and scenarios and providing guidance on their appropriate use within decision making,
- Advancing modelling of linkages between nature and the economy, including modelling nature-positive transition scenarios,
- Shifting from risk to opportunity, with a focus on opportunities for catalysing nature-positive transitions in two sectors and critical supply chains between the UK and two international regions,
- Developing methodologies to measure the alignment of firms with nature-positive transition pathways,
- Strengthening the empirical evidence base on the links between biodiversity risks and corporate performance,
- Incorporating biodiversity and nature within taxonomies to steer investment toward nature-positive outcomes, and
- Integrating nature within stewardship and engagement and evolving policy and regulatory regimes in the UK and globally.