The most extensive global survey to date

Pollination is a specialist climate change investment and advisory firm and IFB stakeholder. It has carried out the most extensive global survey to date of biodiversity credit schemes. This process has created three distinct documents, each of which can be downloaded.

Pollination has carried out the most extensive global survey to date of biodiversity credit schemes. This process has created three distinct documents, each of which can be downloaded below. New voluntary biodiversity credit schemes are rapidly emerging in the wake of growing commitment to advance the global nature-positive agenda. Given the pace of this transition, it can be hard for potential market participants, including buyers and project proponents, to understand the overall state of the market and what scheme attributes are most important for delivering high quality outcomes. To fill this knowledge gap, Pollination has carried out the most extensive global analysis to date of voluntary biodiversity credit schemes. Pollination has created three review frameworks to support the comparative analysis of biodiversity credit schemes: a design framework, integrity framework and technical framework. Using these frameworks, Pollination analysed eight biodiversity credit schemes, providing an unparalleled view of the supply side of this fast-emerging market.

You can read more and download the three reports from the Pollinaiton website.